Why Germany

Over the last couple of years, Germany has become one of the most attractive location for students all over the world. With low tuition fees, top ranked international universities, end numbers of degree courses and a perfect place in europe to study and settle with your work. We will show you the best reasons why should you be in Germany. In Germany, you will find some of the best educational facilities with top ranked international universities with a best in class German Education system. You can choose between the courses you want to study according to your career development. Study free at public universities in Germany, with high valued degrees which increases your chances of employment with an affordable and standard living life in Germany. Today, Germany has been ranked among the world's top and preferred destination for students all over the globe. According to research by famous magazines and surveys has proved that over 400,000 + foreign students completing their education in our Universities of Germany. Germany is also know for its massive history, and has made its impact thorough out the historical, cultural, modern and scientific movements as well as research and development which played a huge role in mankind's history! There are several reasons to choose Germany and many scholars all over the world trust the standard of education in our German Universities.

Some of the best reasons of ‘Why Germany?’ are discussed below..
  • Low or Non Tuition fees :
    • Today, higher education is necessary. And becoming a part of the World's Top Universities are very difficult due to it's increase in cost of attending the classes. Germany has proved that their Education System has highly qualified professionals with an affordable cost of living is the best place for a student to build it's career. Germany is the only country giving you a free education at public Universities.
      In October 2014, consensus reached and Germany is now offering access to free education to all students. All international students attending the public universities of Germany are getting free education with no tution fees. Foreign students only need to pay few additional / administrative costs like student contribution, student union fee and public transportation tickets which costs you around €200 to €250 ( euros ) per semester in total.
      This is one of the best reasons for students who choose for higher education , select Germany that provides you free education in their Universities.

  • Top Universities
    • Based on research, currently there are around 422 institutions for your higher education in Germany. Over 1.8 million students attending in public universities of Germany. Hence Germany has some of the best Top - Ranked Universities with highly qualified professionals and best educational standards. Germany is consistently improving it's educational standards and some of the institutes and universities are ranked among the best and renowned universities in the world. The German Education System provides the students a highly classified quality of education and that degree is valued globally. This increases their chances of employment during studies and after studies too and building a great academic career for themselves.

      List of Top Universities in Germany:–

      Germany has more than 360 globally recognised universities and they provide you a total of 16,000 courses for study. Below are the list of The Universities:

      ● Berlin International University of Applied Sciences
      ● Arden University Berlin
      ● Aachen University of Technolog
      ● Hochschule für Wirtschaft und Gesellschaft Ludwigshafen
      ● Hochschule Furtwangen University
      ● Hochschul-Sozialwerk Wuppertal
      ● HFU Business School
      ● Heinrich-Heine-Universität Dässeldorf
      ● GISMA Business School
      ● Georg-August-Universität Göttingen
      ● Friedrich Schiller Universität, Jena
      ● Freie Universität Berlin
      ● Europa-Universität Viadrina Frankfurt (Oder)
      ● Ernst-Moritz-Arndt-University Greifswald
      ● Dresden Technical University
      ● Dortmund University
      ● Christian-Albrechts-Universität
      ● Berufsakademie Ravensburg
      ● Berlin School of Business and Innovatio
      ● GISMA Business School
      ● Berlin School of Business and Innovation
      ● IU International University of Applied Sciences
      ● University of Applied Sciences Europe
      ● Arden University Berlin
      ● Technische Universität München
      ● Dortmund University
      ● Dresden Technical University
      ● Ernst-Moritz-Arndt-University Greifswald
      ● IUBH Fernstudium
      ● Europa-Universität Viadrina Frankfurt (Oder)
      ● Fachhochschule Fulda
      ● Fachhochschule Karlsruhe
      ● Fachhochschule Reutlingen, Hochschule fär Technik und Wirtschaft
      ● Freie Universität Berlin
      ● Berlin International University of Applied Sciences
      ● Jacobs University
      ● Georg-August-Universität Göttingen
      ● Berufsakademie Ravensburg
      ● Hochschule für Wirtschaft und Gesellschaft Ludwigshafen
      ● Chemnitz-Zwickau
      ● Technische Universität Clausthal
      ● Technische Universität Dresden
      ● Technische Universität Hamburg-Harburg
      ● Technische Universität Ilmena
      ● Frankfurt University
      ● Friedrich Schiller Universität, Jena
      ● Hochschule Offenburg
      ● Humboldt-University, Berlin
      ● Institut f. Semantische Informationsverarbeitung
      ● Johannes Gutenberg Universität, Mainz
      ● Julius-Maximilians-Universität, Wuerzburg
      ● Katholische Universität Eichstätt
      ● Martin Luther Universität Halle-Wittenberg
      ● Medical University of Luebeck
      ● Otto von Guericke Universität, Magdeburg
      ● Ruhr-Universität Bochum
      ● Technische Hochschule Darmstadt
      ● Technische Universität Berlin
      ● Heinrich-Heine-Universität Dässeldor
      ● University of Oldenburg
      ● Universität Augsburg
      ● Universität Bamberg
      ● Universität Bayreuth
      ● Universität Bielefeld
      ● Universität Bonn
      ● Universität Bremen
      ● Universität Duisburg
      ● Universität Freiburg
      ● Universität Gesamthochschule Essen
      ● Universität Gesamthochschule Kassel
      ● Universität Karlsruhe
      ● Universität Konstanz
      ● The Leuphana University of Lüneburg
      ● Universität Leipzi
      ● Universität Gesamthochschule Essen
      ● Universität Gesamthochschule Kassel
      ● Universität Hamburg
      ● Universität Hannover
      ● Universität Hildeshei
      ● Universität Tübingen
      ● Universität Trier
      ● Universität der Bundeswehr München
      ● Universität des Saarlandes
      ● Universität, Hohenheim
      ● Universität-GH Paderborn
      ● Universitaet des Saarlandes
      ● Universität Mannheim
      ● Universität Passau
      ● Universität Potsdam
      ● Universität Regensburg
      ● Universität Rostock
      ● Universität Stuttgart
      ● University of Giessen
      ● University of Marburg
      ● Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München München 1472
      ● Aachen University of Technology
      ● Christian-Albrechts-Universität
      ● Technische Universität Braunschweig
      ● Hochschule Furtwangen University
      ● HFU Business School
      ● Police College Baden-Wuerttemberg
      ● Hochschul-Sozialwerk Wupperta

      There are best Universities for specific field of studies:

      List of Universities to study medicine-
      As we all know Germany is the huge and excellent country to study in various fields. And for students who are looking for an well educational domain so Germany is one of the best country which have top best universities. Below are the list of universities :

      ● Heidelberg University
      ● Rwth Aachen University
      ● Lübeck University
      ● Witten/Herdecke University
      ● Magdeburg University
      ● Mϋnster University
      ● Würzburg University
      ● Tϋbingen University
      ● Freiburg University
      ● Leipzig University

      Best German Universities to study Pharmacy-

      Pharmacy course in Germany with the list of Best Universities:

      ● FU BERLIN

      Top Universities For studying Engineering -

      When we say Germany we instantly think about the modern and safe roads, all sorts of technological innovations and the best cars. In Engineering and technology field Germany have the vast research and developments.
      Here are some of the best places to study engineering:
      ● Technische Universitat Munchen
      ● Karlsruher Institut fur Technologie
      ● RWTH Aachen
      ● BTU Cottbus Senftenberg
      ● Magdeburg University
      ● Technical University of Berlin

      Universities to study Electrical Engineering in Germany -

      There are various fields in Engineering to study like mechanical, electrical engineering and Germany have the best universities to get students to accomplish their goals by aiming their field in the Top Universities.
      List of the Universities to study Electrical Engineering :

      ● Technical University of Munich
      ● Technische Universität München
      ● RWTH Aachen University
      ● Technical University of Berlin
      ● KIT, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology
      ● Dresden University of Technology
      ● Technische Universität Dresden

      Universities to study Industrial Engineering -

      It is one the most versatile fields of engineering, that means here engineers are in charge of designing at the same time developing, testing and evaluating the integrated systems to manage industrial production processes. Germany have well educated system and some of its universities rank high in these fields.

      Universities list:
      ● Technical University of Clausthal
      ● Technical University Ilmenau
      ● Technical University of Braunschweig
      ● University of Duisburg-Essen
      ● KIT – Karlsruhe Institute of Technology

      Universities to study Mechanical Engineering -

      Mechanical engineering is the study, design, development, construction, and testing of mechanical and thermal sensors and devices. Mechanical engineers work mostly in engineering services, research and development, and manufacturing. And in this case Germany universities offers various benefits to their students along with mechanical engineering courses in Germany.

      Some of the universities listed :

      ● RWTH Aachen University
      ● Rheinisch-Westfälische Technische Hochschule Aachen
      ● Technical University of Munich
      ● University of Stuttgart
      ● KIT, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology
      ● Technical University of Braunschweig

      Universities in Germany to Study Material Engineering-

      Material engineering is commonly known as Material science, where material do their tasks in economical and societally responsible manner.

      List of universities as follows:


      Study Computer Science in top Universities of Germany -

      Germany is a widely known study destination for international students across the world. Highly ranked top universities in every fields of studies, as it has the high quality education environment, and most of the free education with computer science courses in Germany.

      Some of the Top Universities:

      ● Technical University of Munich
      ● RWTH Aachen University
      ● Karlsruhe Institute of Technology
      ● Technical University of Berlin
      ● LMU Munich
      ● University of Freiburg
      ● Technical University of Darmstadt
      ● Heidelberg University
      ● University of Bonn
      ● Friedrich-Alexander University of Erlangen-Nuremberg

      Top Universities to study Architecture -

      Architecture is the art or science of building. It is basically the process and the product of the planning, designing and constructing building or other structures. We have top universities from where international students can pursue for architecture.

      Names of the universities:

      ● BTU Cottbus-Senftenberg
      ● ABK Stuttgart
      ● RWTH Aachen
      ● TUM Munich
      ● Stuttgart University
      ● Hannover University 
      ● TU Dortmund
      ● Bauhaus – Weimar University
      ● Wupperthal University
      ● TU Dresden

      Top German Universities to Study German Language and Literature -

      International students who are not from Germany even they can have the chance to speak and know about German language and literature. German have some top universities where every facility is provided such as library read books, professional teachers and professors support, school practices. We also give German language classes in kolkata.

      List of universities:

      ● Mannheim University
      ● Augsburg University
      ● Ruhr University – Bochum
      ● Heidelberg University
      ● Kassel University
      ● LMU Munich
      ● Osnabruck University
      ● Kiel University
      ● RWTH Aachen
      ● Siegen University

      Study Master’s Degrees in Cybersecurity -

      Cybersecurity is mainly to prevent hacking from different networks . Cybersecurity or information technology security is the protection of any computer systems and networks from information disclosure, theft of or damage hardware, software or electronic data. Germany provides the best master’s degrees in this field. Master’s Degrees as follows:

      List of universities:

      ● The University of Law / GISMA Business School
      ● MSc Cyber Security and Data Governance
      ● Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München, LMU Munich
      ● Software Engineering (Master)
      ● Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg, University of Erlangen-Nuremberg
      ● Computer Science (MSc)
      ● Universität des Saarlandes, University of Saarland
      ● Data Science and Artificial Intelligence (M.Sc.)
      ● Brandenburg University of Technology Cottbus-Senftenberg
      ● Cyber Security, Master of Science (M.Sc.)
      ● SRH Hochschule Berlin, SRH Berlin University of Applied Sciences
      ● MSc in Computer Science – Focus on Cyber Security

  • Opportunities For The International Students
    • As per German law, a student here can have an advantage with the part-time work with over 18 hours of work per week.
      Research also shows that more than 50% of the international students here have a part-time work along with their studies.
      There are lot of jobs available you can choose between that will help your financial conditions.
      Part-time work along with studies is the most recommended outcome for the international students here in Germany that will help you through out the semester, improve your lifestyle and let you live independently.

  • Learn German language:
    • The German language is one of the most spoken language of Europe. Learning the German language will help you with many reasons and also in different aspects of life.
      For an International student, knowing the German language is as important as building your career because Germany has a global market and it branches are all over the world.
      If you know the German language , that will help you to get more job offers around the globe and the opportunities are limitless.
      So if you learn the German language, you can be the most comfortable person and easily interact with local people, travel wherever you want with ease and comfort just by talking in the German language.

  • Accomodation in Germany for students :
    • Accomodation for students are available as they can live private or with the student unions. In Germany most of the international students live in hall of residences which is student union and it run out so quickly as per the low offer that students has to live in private places. However living in Germany can be very feasible for students.

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